George Derby Senior Care

Burnaby, BC

Senior Care


Project Requirements

> Low Profile Solution
> Decentralized Ventilation
> Improve Occupant IAQ
> Integrated Controls
> High-Efficiency Solution

Ventilation Solution

4 x Nova A16, 2 x Nova B20

Manufacturer’s Representative

"The installation process came with its expected challenges in a retrofit scenario, mainly in finding the optimal method of hanging the new equipment within the concealed ceiling space.

The units and associated ductwork were required to be suspended between existing structural members while maintaining sufficient clearing to the existing tiling.

The contractors involved did an excellent job of locating the equipment while providing sufficient clearance for routine maintenance."
Nick Cramp
Impact Engineering
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Finding the Right Solution

Oxygen8’s solutions were not initially specified, however were proposed to provide a solution to the distributed ventilation strategy that was required for this project. The low-profile of these units was ideal to be integrated within the existing 14,360 sq.ft. space with minimal noise output.

Additionally, the heat recovery performance of the units was within the targeted range, as determined by the energy study.


The main challenge to be solved for this project was replacing the existing air handling system in the central wing of the senior care facility. The existing system was not meeting the updated safety standards and was experiencing localized equipment failure.

An energy study completed by Impact Engineering indicated that sufficient energy savings were achievable  through the implementation of ERVs. Due to the compartmentalized nature of the area to be retrofitted,  distributed ERVs and WSHPs were
designed to provide energy efficient ventilation and space heating/cooling.